Other Side of the Coin

A photo sparks a thousand conversations, but a memory conjures a thousand experiences.

A phone heralds new information, but a conversation ignites connection.

Screens offer on-demand entertainment, but a mindful moment sustains nourishment.

Music invigorates the heart, but dance enraptures the soul. 

A careless remark dismantles a lifetime of reputation, but a considerate opinion forges respect.

Lies are deployed to protect the unwary, but the truth liberates them from needless suffering.

Candid conversations chaperone the path to understanding, but silence is a blight that harbingers death.

Emotions may sway with unbridled enthusiasm, but their suppression ravages human nature.

Preparation revitalises confidence before action, but overthinking paralyses into submission.  

Love exposes vulnerability, but hate disgraces authenticity. 

Regrets may linger for a while in one’s head, but all moments drift out of thought during a lifetime of living.

A piece inspired by a collection of musings.

Day 9 - This piece was posted as part of the 31 Days of Content Challenge that I undertook in March 2022.