A Wandering Mind

Tonight, a restless mind grows weary with each passing thought. Morning arrives as an uninvited guest. A new day begins, but the listless body is far from ready. It yields anyway and rises to work. 

As the day drifts by into the afternoon, the mind has already been swept along digressive paths of musing - venturing on a journey that will eventually lead nowhere. The body remains here on autopilot, existing on a different plane. Tethered to the demands of delineated tasks and events set out for today.

The mind remains elsewhere; Imagination enthrals the daydreamer, a cloak of protection that wards off reality. The body endures hardship; Labour conquers the worker, an anchor of anguish that burdens them with fatigue. Despite this, they drudge onward praying for the day to end.    

By evening, the wandering mind may eventually return home. The shackled body does not wait for it and retreats for the night. Relaxation gradually seeps in. Both have had a lively day.

Soon, slumber shall settle on them both tonight. The body lies sprawled out on the bed from exhaustion. But the mind, although spent on contemplation, somehow churns out new streams of speculation together; leading it down new avenues of thinking to explore. 

Tonight, a restless mind grows weary with each passing thought…

Day 8 - This piece was posted as part of the 31 Days of Content Challenge that I undertook in March 2022.