Her Visage

Much like an old song reverberating in the ear, the candid remarks come screeching back to Eve. As she went about her day, whether it was working in retail or being a patron at a café, the unsolicited comments besieged her thoughts.

"You should smile more", they say.

"You're looking tired, are you okay?"

"You need to lighten up."

"Why are you getting emotional? Why are you being sensitive?"

Remark after remark to ruminate upon.

And they wonder why she doesn't believe in herself. In the meantime, Eve is always served poignant reminders of how to behave.

Grandiose expectations outlined for her: to be docile, a compliant servant to their needs. 

Yet, she doesn't want to be an errand girl who appeases anyone. To be left to decay in servitude is a bleak future. 

But, appearing anything other than ordinary is considered a threat. 

Eve was forced to endure confrontations of harassment day after day.

It became impossible to turn off the existential noise.

So she put on her cosmetic mask, a visage to conceal the inner turmoil and anguish. But, as she strolled around, she noticed passersby rearing their heads in her direction. As if they could hear the high-pitch frequency in the air. As if anyone could follow the screams that resonated in her head. 

For the onslaught of remarks never cease to be. And Eve was left to fester under her tainted visage. Bound to a public fate of shame and ridicule. 

Until the day Eve eventually snaps and she becomes labelled as another "crazy" soul living in a woman's body.

This piece was inspired by the unsettling accounts of everyday remarks that women in my life said that they have to put up with all the time.

Day 23 - This piece was posted as part of the 31 Days of Content Challenge that I undertook in March 2022.