Reincarnated Hope

Midnight ticks into sight. An overcast night sky hangs gloomily across the city. 

A new Monday has arrived uninvited.

The weekend pleasures have ended, the time for work has come upon the weary.

Yet she is not ready to begin a new life. 

Cersei eventually rouses herself from underneath the bushes. The urge to hunt for a new home compels her to prowl along in the witching hour. 

Her revived tiny paws treading light across streets and alleys of the city neighbourhoods.  

A reflection in a puddle echoes back harrowing trauma: once a queen reigning over an affluent dominion, now reduced again to a destitute existence outdoors. Her sorrel Abyssinian fur no longer comforts her ancient adult body. 

Cersei’s feline eyes discern the notches in her left ear; eight marks have been imprinted. 

She roams along in her spry, pocket-sized kitten form. 

Perhaps this would be the final time – the thought shudders down her spine. 

Her ragged coat was already mottled by the first few hours of a nomadic lifestyle. A bleak reminder that resurrection has never been kind to Cersei. However, she will return to her former glory; to the slender wildcat that bewitches all into servitude with her feline beauty. 

But it will not be tonight. 

The stray kitten pines for a soft suede cave bed and chicken liver pâté, as she rends the head off a mouse in a suburban gutter. 

A light drizzle pitter-patters on the concrete. Drenched in despair, Cersei stalks the twilight hours of the morning. Perhaps in this reincarnation she could afford to lower her standards.  

She scans across the boulevard, praying for refuge.

Then she detects a potential home two doors down, peering through the window to see a small family preparing for the day ahead. Cersei sighs, resigning herself to a trite existence. 

Choosing to settle here other than elsewhere, the enchantress prepares her insidious feline charm. To ensnare a couple with a kid is elementary for her cunning.

Cersei settles herself on the porch that morning, awaiting for the unsuspecting family to open the door and see her pocket-sized kitten form perched atop the doormat. Her adorable eyes captivates them into taking her in.  

She smirks. Far too easy, she thought. 

But her cute figure will only lull them for so long.  Eventually, her depraved behaviour will seep through the cracks of her charming façade. Soon, they’ll cast her aside back to the streets. Cersei only plays the role of the adorable kitten, until she is ready to move on. Someday, she shall grow splendid again and rule supreme over the hearts of many deluded human fools. 

A short story about the beginning of a cat’s 9th life, inspired by 3 random prompts: “spiritual awakening”, “Mondays” and “cats”.

Day 28 - This piece was posted as part of the 31 Days of Content Challenge that I undertook in March 2022.