
Butterflies flutter in his stomach. Jasper wonders if the man beside him, on the bench, feels the same anticipation. 

The pair relaxed after a splendid evening. A first date basking in one another’s company: touring the city avenues, drinking coffee in a cafe, strolling along the riverside promenade, picking out doughnuts at the bakery, before finally venturing into the park. 

He scans for any sign of interest. Mateo is showing keen enthusiasm, almost rejuvenated after settling down here on the bench.

Jasper sought out that “spark” – an intimate connection ignited with someone else. He thinks he has  found his match. A hope percolated in him; a foundation with them that could be built on for many years to come. Though he is restrained by apprehension of their first kiss – Mateo appears to make no move at all. 

Why haven’t they tried yet… Isn’t this the perfect moment?, the thought jolted Jasper into action… 

His hands tremble, placing the box of doughnuts between them. Mateo stops mid-conversation, an alluring look brushed on their expression.

Is this the moment?

He sees Mateo licking their lips intensely. Quite a ravishing appetite they have…

…His heart is hammering inside his chest. He inches closer, leaning in to take the next step. His eyes close, awaiting to receive them. The moment is stretching out insufferably. Yet, he appreciates it; savouring the first time with a man he could fall in love with, sharing a brief tender moment when their lips will eventually touch. 

Suddenly, his mind is swarmed with bouts of anxiety:

What if they’re not a good kisser? What if my breath smells? I hope their beard won't be too prickly. Oh god, I hope they don't shovel their tongue down my throat…

The intimacy dangles in the air between them.

A pang of self-doubt raised its concern – what if he doesn’t want to kiss him?

Oh god, I’m an idiot… 

Suddenly, his train of thought is interrupted.  The rustling of paper echoes between them – the lid of the doughnut box opening. The aroma of confectionery tantalises the air.

He peers out of his eyelids to witness Mateo chomping down on a raspberry sherbert doughnut. The frosting glaze gets smeared across their lips and beard, their eyes close as they revel in the culinary delight. Crumbs of deep-fried dough fall onto their lap, as they engorge on the entire treat. Mateo emits a sonorous groan of pleasure with every savoured bite. 

A familiar sound to him that expressed both gastronomic nirvana and lamentation when one knows a rare culinary experience will soon end. 

He glares at the final morsels of doughnut entering Mateo’s mouth, an intoxicating bitterness settling into his stomach as envy. 

Mateo opens their eyes to see the utter disappointment clouding over Jasper.

‘S-Sorry, I didn’t mean to finish it. I couldn’t help it!’  They apologise sheepishly as icing and doughnut morsels fell from their beard. 

They swivel the box around so he can help himself. 

Certainly not the amorous way Jasper planned for the date to end. 

A smirk widens across his lips. He laughs it off with a shrug.

Well, at least they are open to sharing, he thought to himself. The pair graze on the remaining half-dozen of doughnuts, basking in each other’s company for the rest of the tranquil evening. 

Sometimes dates don’t end up the way you want them to, but if you end up having some nice food and good company not all is in vain.

Day 26 - This piece was posted as part of the 31 Days of Content Challenge that I undertook in March 2022.