And So It Begins...

It begins with an invitation as I welcome you, the reader, to “Kaleidoscopic Thoughts” - my personal blog where I will showcase my work. As a budding writer, I feel like it is time for me to finally be brave enough to take a leap of faith.

But first, a little introduction…

Here I am many years later in 2020, still writing away and making slow progress in the right direction for my chosen path. For those who know me well, they would know that:

a) I have spoken candidly about my pursuit for a professional writing career,

b) I can’t shut up about it [writing],

c) If you ask, be prepared for a long-winded discussion (and half of your lifetime) about my chosen vocation and current projects.

However, while others can sense the passion in my voice when I speak about my writing, very few have seen my portfolio of work. Sure, I have shared many articles that I’ve written for blogs on social media and some have received extraordinary amounts of positive praise. But, I still fail to share any of my creative fiction to anyone, save a handful of people.

Why did it take me so long to get here, if I knew for a long time that this is what I wanted to do, you ask?


The fear of rejection. The fear of being judged for my thoughts and opinions that others may disagree with. The fear that I would never be good enough as a writer. The fear of failing at the one path that felt right to me for so long. So what’s the point in trying in the first place?

Answer: The “What If” moment.

What if it all worked out? What if I spoke about things candidly, with authenticity and integrity and people listened, actually appreciated some raw honesty about the troubling times in our modern world for once? What if I was good enough, expressing myself in poetic prose, yet with simple profoundness, that evoked a reader’s attention and connected to them on an intimate level? What if I succeed?

Every time I feel like giving up on a personal pursuit, I remind myself that there is a possible future where all of this pans out. I only need to venture forth and seek it out for myself.

Today, I’m ready to share it with you.

I invite you here and now, to join me on this venture as I open the gates to my heart and mind to tell you my stories. Tales and thoughts that will enrapture your curiosity, perhaps sparking important conversations and most of all - captivate your wonder and imagination. Experience all the woes, bitter disappointment, euphoric “aha!” moments and everything in-between that happens in life: whether it is an article, a story or even simply a perusal of my thoughts on different branches of art, issues in the world and a multitude of other topics.

In the same respect, I am inviting myself into a world of possibilities. To embark upon an exciting adventure, to see where my craft takes me. To tell important stories (for me, anyway) and take you, the reader, alongside me as a companion, while we navigate the chaos we call “life”. To share my experiences as a budding writer while I overcome the pitfalls and traps, learning new lessons and acquiring sage advice along the way.

I’d like to end with something that a wise friend of mine quoted long ago, on the idea of being “ready” in life:

“It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you're ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now. And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.

― Hugh Laurie

Here we begin…

Welcome, to my “Kaleidoscopic Thoughts”!